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Bound on Bell Inequalities by Fraction of Determinism and Reverse Triangle Inequality

机译:决定论与反向分数对贝尔不等式的约束   三角不等式



It is an established fact that entanglement is a resource. Sharing anentangled state leads to non-local correlations and to violations of Bellinequalities. Such non-local correlations illustrate the advantage of quantumresources over classical resources. Here, we study quantitatively Bellinequalities with $2\times n$ inputs. As found in [N. Gisin et al., Int. J. Q.Inf. 5, 525 (2007)] quantum mechanical correlations cannot reach the algebraicbound for such inequalities. In this paper, we uncover the heart of this effectwhich we call the {\it fraction of determinism}. We show that any quantumstatistics with two parties and $2 \times n$ inputs exhibits nonzero fractionof determinism, and we supply a quantitative bound for it. We then apply it toprovide an explicit {\it universal upper bound} for Bell inequalities with$2\times n$ inputs. As our main mathematical tool we introduce and prove a {\itreverse triangle inequality}, stating in a quantitative way that if some statesare far away from a given state, then their mixture is also. The inequality iscrucial in deriving the lower bound for the fraction of determinism, but isalso of interest on its own.
机译:纠缠是一种资源,这已是事实。共享纠缠态会导致非局部相关,并且会违反Bellinequalities。这样的非局部相关性说明了量子资源相对于经典资源的优势。在这里,我们用2乘以n $输入来定量研究Bellinequalities。如[N. Gisin等,国际J.Q.Inf。 5,5,525(2007)]对于这种不等式,量子力学相关性无法达到代数界。在本文中,我们揭示了这种效应的核心,我们称之为{\ it决定论}。我们表明,具有两方和$ 2 x n次输入的任何量子统计量都表现出确定性的非零分数,并且为此提供了定量界。然后,我们将其应用于为$ 2 \ xn $输入的Bell不等式提供一个明确的{\ it通用上限}。作为我们的主要数学工具,我们引入并证明{\反三角不等式},并定量地指出,如果某些状态与给定状态相距甚远,则它们的混合也是如此。不等式对于确定性分数的下界是至关重要的,但它本身也很有趣。



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